Scripts used in the Hassbian image.
These functions can be used in suites to simplify the code used in that suite.
Run the included test suite.
Install a specific PR for testing.
List all suites.
Print help to the console.
Get the local IP address.
Check if a suite is installed.
Get the full path of python.
Check if hassbian-config is run as root.
Print system information to the console.
Print usage information to the console.
Get the installed version of hassbian-config.
Get the newest version number of hassbian-config.
Get the newest version number of homeassistant from github.
Get the newest version number of the installed homeassistant.
Get the newest version number of homeassistant from pypi.
Get the version of python from HA’s venv.
Get the OS releasename.
Get the version of the newest installed python package.
GUI inputbox for bools, usage:
hassbian.input.bool "Are you sure?"
GUI infobox, usage: "This will do stuff."
GUI inputbox for text, usage:
hassbian.input.text "What is your name?"
Put the logfile on hastebin and print the url.
Show the logfile in the console
Run actions (install/upgrade/remove) on a suite.
Execute the action from hassbian.suite.action
Prints a failed message in the console.
Prints a success message in the console.
Check if we can run this suite.
Check if the suite exist.
Install apt packages, usage:
hassbian.suite.helper.install.apt pkg1 pkg2
Install nodeJS
Install pip packages in HA’s venv, usage:
hassbian.suite.helper.install.pip pkg1 pkg2
Get information form a suite’s manifest file, usage:
hassbian.suite.helper.manifest suitename manifest_key
Check if pizero and if the suite can be run.
Check if a suite is installed.
Print information to the console.
Verify a service using pgrep, usage:
hassbian.suite.verify.pgrep hass
Verify a service using systemd, usage:
hassbian.suite.verify.service home-assistant@homeassistant.service
Check the logfile for known issues, and execute workaround for that issue.
Execute workaround for the pypi typeerror issue.